An alchemist wishes to transform, to evoke a pure moment of communion between a soul and the world. -The philosopher’s stone does not produce wealth nor does it give long life. Yet everything is transformed. Our humors, the hot, the cold, wet and dry, are out of balance. You can see it in faces: disguised by anger, desire, and boredom. There must be a way to find balance. There are hints of this in moments such as an early morning when you awaken and walk down a boulevard under sunlit trees, finding you want nothing, fear nothing. You can see out of the eye’s window and for a moment know what is there. In that moment it seems possible that the world will throw off its disguises.
It is like falling in all directions. There is nothing to hold onto. How terrifying to fall into grace. Yet, when you discover this, everything is possible. You are flayed by beauty, and must trust it completely.